Reflective Insulation Testimonials

Reflective Insulation TestimonialsI wanted a second home in a warm climate and chose Kihei. Which is similar to Phoenix except it’s by the ocean and has trade winds. We discovered that a Kw of electricity is roughly 5 times higher on Maui than in Indianapolis because its all generated by diesel generators vs. coal back in Indiana. It was very expensive to use the central air in Hawaii so I started to look into energy savers. After reading numerous web articles about reflective Insulation, I purchased a 4 ft by 250 ft roll that was perforated specifically for attic use. I cut it into 2 ft x 10 ft pieces for ease of use and stabled it under the osb plywood in the attic. Trust me, attics get very hot in Hawaii so I would do this about 5 AM in the morning. After I installed it everywhere in the attic that I could reach, the effect was significant. The house was cooler. And when the a/c unit was on, it did not have to work has hard to reach the cool setting. I also covered my water heater with the same reflective insulation except it’s not perforated…and it now produces much hotter water. Both projects where a great investment. I have also added solar panels on the roof and generate some of my own electricity. Today, most of electric bills are the minimum bill of around $20/month due to the reflective insulation and the solar panels working together. If I am given the chance, I would strongly urge anyone to install reflective insulation in the attic and also in the sidewalls of the home. This should become standard in any new home construction. – Sent in by David in Avon, IN


Reflective Insulation TestimonialsYour AIA course on Reflective Insulation explained the principles in a way that was never explained to me before and much simpler to understand for me. – Sent in by John, Architect



Reflective Insulation TestimonialsDunmore Corporation International and I are RIMA-I members to support our reflective customers and to keep abreast of reflective insulation and radiant barrier technology and market issues. We’ve found that RIMA-I is the most accurate place for information about reflective industry topics. – Sent in by Ralph

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